CIS MEA – Active Integration

01.09.2016 – 03.31.2019 – The project funded by the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Programme for the Lodz Region, 2014-2020.

The program project is the activation measures and efforts to integrate participants under Priority Axis on social inclusion. Its purpose is the code – the active integration of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, as well as the mobilization of socio-professional.

The main objective of the project is work and social reintegration  – 120 people.

The activities involve the implementation of a specific individual program of social employment. This will include under the new seats in the existing structure of the CIS.

The program includes:

  1. The workshops reintegration in the field of social and professional life.
  2. Psychological Support.
  3. Regulatory Support.
  4. Career counseling.
  5. Training and professional competence.
  6. Practice.
  7. Labour.

All these activities will contribute to a clear and future-oriented effects. They will be diagnosed individual needs and problems of the participants, and the actions of psychological and professional advice is obtained certain positive effect. This will help eliminating of social barriers. Increase social skills and gain increased participants a comprehensive new skills through practice. Thanks to this project will contribute to the implementation of the Axis IX Regional Operational Programme.