
1.03.2016 – 28.02.2017 – Project „Europrofession –  occupational activation of the NEET youth through a complex international mobility programme in Germany co-financed by the European Union in the framework of the special task 4.2 International mobility programmes of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Growth

The project is realised by the University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz in cooperation with the national partner Foundation “Uwolnienie” and with the international partner “Q-PRINTS&SERVICE GMBH” in Pforzheim (Germany).

The project is aiming at the integration with the professional environment of 60 persons from the NEET group through establishing and implementing of a complex social and occupational activation programme based on IdA Programme.

The solutions created within this project will help to develop occupational and social competences of young people belonging to the NEET group at the same time helping them to activate them on the labour market and including them into the local social environment.

There are following phases foreseen in the framework of this project:

  • The preparation of participants for occupational activation programme within the scope of the international mobility (including language course and occupational development workshops)
  • The preparation of occupational activation in the framework of international mobility in Germany (professional trainings and attractive activities programme linked with the intensive language course)
  • The programme of occupational activation in Poland aiming at finding jobs or at the undertaking of the continuation of education

Additionally there will be a panel meeting with partner and beneficiaries participation targeting establishing of practical solutions and support recommendations for the NEET youth. The project outcome shall be the adjustment of IdA Project in Poland and preparation of 60 persons within the social and occupational framework for the insertion into the labour market or for the continuation of their education.

Recruitment contact: Anna Gładyszewska, tel. +48 602 454 243