Social integration Centre in Pabianice MEA

During 2011 – 2014 – UWOLNIENIE has managed the Social Integration Centre MEA in Pabianice  following its successfull participation in call for tenders published by the Social Welfare Centre in Pabianice in the framework of the project “Drogowskaz-Przemiana” (Road sign – Transformation) to manage the Social Integration Centre for socially excluded persons.

Until 2014 there were 103 persons that have participated in this project. All beneficiaries have accomplished their activities in due course.

During project implementation there were two editions of the IT skills course– “PC as the instrument to get and to keep the job” provided. The occupational training courses with theoretical and practical part have been foreseen.

There were following courses:

  • Assistant of a dependent person
  • Salesperson
  • Internal and external surfaces cleaning staff

In the framework of social employment the SIC participants were broadening their theoretical knowledge with practical activities, carrying out assisting jobs in the supermarkets,  taking care of the green belts, assisting dependent persons or working in the gastronomy in Pabianice.

Additionally, there were soft skills trainings provided:

  • Informed citizen– the scope of material did content issues on the organisational structures of the state as regards the capacity of the participants to use public service institutions and the topics concerning their personal life like: employment structure (salaries, pension benefits). The role of the participation of Poland in the European Union has been stressed as well;
  • Social philosophy– this part has assured to the participants the development of their interpersonal skills,  teamwork skills, verbal and non-verbal communication, assertivity training, creativity and innovation, the right behavioural approach during job interviews and self-presentation, acquiring of skills needed for the insertion into the labour marker, preparation of cv and cover letter;
  • Time management– the core of the exclusion problems is among others the incapacity to adjust to the surrounding and the problem with the lack of timing in everyday life. This training had a goal among others to build up the motivation to change and to show the participants rationality of everyday life, and also to provide motivational training and to create high self-esteem feeling, time management and budget management skills as well.

During the performance of the SIC apart from the occupational reintegration social reintegration has been tackled. There were: occupational development counsellor, educationist, psychologist and dependences therapist available to the disposal of the beneficiaries during the duration of the whole project. Within the scope of social integration the whole group participated in cultural activities.

The participants had the right to receive warm meal and integration benefit.