Take care of your safety!

28.10.2014 – 31.12.2014 – project conducted within the public task assigned by the Education Authority of Lodz

Project concerns the prevention of aggression and violence, including cyberbullying, counteracting psychoactive substances use and prevention of misuse of computer games and gambling among children and youth.

We will include into the project 180 pupils from two primary schools from the Lódźkie district. We are planning to create 18 groups (9 groups at each school). The groups will contain 10 persons.

Within the task there will be following actions:

  • Socio – therapeutic activities (2 hours for each group, 36 hours in total),
  • Psycho – social skills workshops (2 hours for each group, 36 hours in total),
  • Counselling for resolving personal problems.

All activities will be conducted by an experienced psychologist.  Due to the lead of the psychologist all participants will learn to communicate effectively, to handle negative emotions, to behave assertively and to know how to build social interactions. They will be educated about the dependence on psychoactive substances, pc games and gambling and will learn about negative consequences of violence and cyberbullying.