The care and therapy of pathological gamblers, their relatives and family members

2012 – 2013 – integral and comprehensive programme of care and therapy for pathological gamblers, their relatives and family members.

Within the framework of the programme of the Health Ministry:
„Resolving problems occurred due to the gambling dependency or other dependences not being psychoactive substances dependence”

Foundation UWOLNIENIE is carrying out the public task:
„Integral and comprehensive programme of custody and therapy for pathological gamblers, their relatives and family members”

Dates of realization (2013): 01.02.2013 – 31.12.2013
Dates of realization (2012): 01.06.2012 – 31.12.2012

The foreseen number of participants (one cycle): 110 persons including 70 dependent persons and 40 persons being family members of the dependent persons.

The Therapeutic care will involve following methods and activities:

  • Psychological Diagnosis
  • Therapeutic advice
  • Group sessions: educational and motivational
  • Workshops of constructive behaviours
  • Evaluation

Potential patients will be able to develop through their participation:

  • Capacity of changing their destructive behaviours
  • Knowledge about the dependency sickness
  • Ability to recognize the reactivation of the sickness
  • Ability to refuse
  • Beginning of the change process leading to life without gambling.

In relation to the relatives and families of the pathological gamblers the aims of the actions will be as follows:

  • Better evaluation of their needs and emotions
  • The increased self-esteem, self-worth and autonomy

Better protection of oneself and of the family from the consequences of pathological behaviours of the gambler.